Háj 240, 431 91 Loučná pod Klínovcem

Privacy Policy

We provide you with information on the processing of your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Who collects the data

The controller of personal data is Königsmühle s.r.o., Dobříč čp. 2, 252 25 Jinočany, IČ: 069 98 640, Petr Radimec, E-mail: rezervace@koniguvmlyn.eu

What data and why we collect

Contact form: We collect the name and e-mail in the contact form so that we can answer your questions in the future performance of the contract.

Reservation form: We are collecting your name and e-mail from you due to the possible online booking. In order for us to confirm the date of your reservation, as part of the future performance of the contract to demand services.

How long we keep the data

Contact form: for 7 days.

Reservation form: for 6 month or when booking.

Who processes the data

The processor of this data is:
Königsmühle s.r.o.
Petr Radimec
+420 724 866 483

For example, when you browse a website, we measure how long you stay on the page and from which page. We consider the use of cookies to measure website traffic and customize the display of websites as a legitimate interest of the administrator.

You can disable the use of cookies in your browser.

What cookies we use.

What are you entitled to

Ask what data we process, for what purpose, to what extent, for how long and who has access to it.

You can request the correction or deletion of this information.

Who you can contact

If you believe that we are processing your data in violation of applicable law, please contact us.

If you are not satisfied with the handling of your complaint, you can file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection.

This Privacy Policy is valid and effective from February 1, 2022.